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  • direct-reading scale

  • simple and reliable

  • short-tube design

  • for process flow measurement of gases and liquids

  • for measurement of small and minimum volumes

  • calibrated scale specific to the process fluid

  • optionally

    • proportioning valve

    • floating reed switch

    • inductive switch

    • explosion-proof design

Design and applications

The SGK 1 – 3 flow meters operate on the variable area float principle.

They consist of a combination of borosilicate glass measuring cone and float, with a flow scale specific to the process fluid and calibrated to customer requirements. The SGKs can optionally be equipped with a valve and can then be used for dosing small and minimum volumes of clear gases and liquids.

The devices are suitable for use on small furnace plants, in dosing systems and for monitoring small volumes in cooling processes.

Article key

Variable area flow meters

RA 60 / FA 60

RA 65 / FA 65

RA 77 / FA 77

RA 87 / FA 87