In order to meet our in-house quality requirements, we regularly have the measuring ranges of our VdS-certified sprinkler measuring orifices SMB DN 80, DN 100, DN 150, DN 200 and DN 250 checked by the LBME (Landesbetrieb für Mess- und Eichwesen, Düsseldorf). The inspection is voluntary; it is not required by VdS.
The sprinkler measuring orifice SMB has a recognised measuring range for each nominal width. Updating the calibration certificates is considered confirmation that the SMB continues to achieve the required accuracies. For this purpose, the measured values of each device size are recorded on the highly accurate large water meter test stand at the LBME.
From a 30 m high tower with a capacity of 30 m³, water is fed through the sprinkler measuring orifice and collected in a lined container. The volume flow is set to the value of the SMB scale. The recorded water volume in the 10 m³ measuring tank and the measuring time result in the actual volume flow.
The new calibration certificates show that all SMB sprinkler measuring orifices comply with the specified measured values.